Thursday, January 14, 2010

Organizing Part 2

In this post I thought I'd focus on organizing the closet, the master closet specifically.  Again I know it's a little wierd, but I love organizing my closet.  I love hanging my clothes, folding clothes, and placing my shoes and purses just so for maximum efficiency.

Since I love all of this so much, I thought I could share a few tips that would be helpful to those who aren't quite as compulsive as I.

1.  Keep a bag to donate in or near your closet.  I purge on a weekly basis any clothes, shoes, and accessories that I don't need anymore.  A great time to do this is when your folding the laundry.

2.  Keep a least a finger width between hangers.  I know this sound a little much, but it makes the clothes look and hang so much nicer, and allows you to see what's hanging much more easily.

3.  Organize in a way that works for you, so that it's easy to get dressed in the morning.   I group like colors together, and arrange color grouping short to long sleeve.

4.  Clean your closet now and then.  The closet get dusty and dirty just like the rest of the house.  Take a few minutes now and then to use the vacuum, or mop and dust cloth.

5.  Keep shoes and accessories organized in a way that works best for you, and I can't stress enough purge regularly anything you haven't used for awhile.

6.  My last tip would be that less is more.  This is huge, but so many have trouble with this concept.  It makes life easier.  There are many others less fortunate than you, who could really use what's just collecting dust in your closet.   A few guidelines that may help you decide if you should hang on to an item.

Does the item make you look good?
Does the item fit?
Is the piece giving you the image you want to project to others?
Have you worn the item within the last 6 months?
If you answered no to any of these questions it's time to donate.

Here's a peek inside my closet

Hubby's side

My side

Workout area


  1. Fantastic tips! I always have a bag and am continuously donating the items we don't wear. Great post! XOXO

  2. Your closet looks great! Since we moved and now share a closet hubby and I haven't quite figured out a good system. Yours gave me some ideas and inspiration. Thanks for the great post! xo

  3. Wow, do you wanna come organize my closet? LOL! ;) What a fantastic job...looks great! Thanks for posting tips, as I have been in "organize" mode all week and have been working on my closet, which is a feat in itself.

    *Hugs* Liz

  4. great tips - i love looking in other people closets im so nosey xxx

  5. Hi Vanessa! I came by to have a look around and to say thanks for becoming a "friend" (I hate the term follower!) I scrolled back through many of your posts and love what I see! You've inspired me with organization and recipes, not to mention things like your family room! I'll definitely be back! = )


  6. Vanessa, you keep putting the rest of us to shame:) I'm not sharing my closet mess!

    Wanted to let you know there was a question on the HGTV general decorating message board and I linked your blog post on repurposing wine racks,

  7. I'm with you, Vanessa. If nothing else, I am always on top of my closet. I need to have it neat and organized so I can find what I need or hubby needs. He's pretty neat, too {thankfully}!

    You are up this week as Blog of the Week! It will be posted sometime tomorrow afternoon.

  8. Okay, that is seriously like the NEATEST closet I've ever seen. Are you OCD? Just kidding. It's really nice; mine is SO, SO SAD in comparison. Love your blog. Popped over here from Creative Home Expressions today.

  9. wow. same hangers do make the difference don't they?
